5 Tips to Promote a Healthy Brain
We all know that the brain is an amazing organ, but it's easy to take it for granted. It can be hard to keep your brain healthy with so many distractions in life. However, today we will focus on 5 simple tips that promote a healthy brain. If you have ever felt overwhelmed with taking care of not only your body but also your mind this article is for you. The best news is that in a lot of ways you care for your body can double as ways you care for your brain! Below we will examine ways to support a healthy brain lifestyle to complement your current one.

One of the most important things you can ever do for your brain is to give it the proper lifestyle it needs to thrive!
Let's look at the top 5 ways you can take better care of your brain starting today:
- Exercise
- Sleep
- Hydration
- Healthy diet
- Proper supplementation
Now let's look into each of these areas of your self care in a bit more depth!
How does exercise affect the brain?
The benefits of exercise on our brains are vast and diverse. It increases heart rate, which pumps more oxygen to the brain - an excellent environment for growth! Exercise also promotes plasticity by stimulating new connections between cells in many important cortical areas; it's like a neurological workout that helps you learn better too. The feeling of euphoria that runners experience is not just due to the physical activity they engage in, but also has an effect on their mental state. Studies have shown a correlation between this "runner's high" with lower stress hormones and better moods. Another study from Stockholm has shown that running is also good for your brain and can help you remember things better. The researchers found an association between the antidepressant effect of a runner's hippocampus, which stores memories as a lasting place in time or space, and increased cell growth there! (1)
Does exercise increase your IQ?
The neurons in your brain are always on the go, connecting and communicating with each other. They’re like a network that never stops growing or changing - which makes them an extremely valuable resource for learning! In fact, research shows spending time exercising can have significant benefits to both our physical health as well as cognitive abilities such as thinking skills (IQ). Aerobic exercise has been proven by neuroscience experts across different fields...including psychologists who discovered increased blood flow during workouts caused mental growth hormone levels to rise by 50%. (1)
How does sleep restore the brain?
A lack of quality sleep can cause a range of issues, from simple day-to-day problems like fatigue and irritability to more serious conditions such as heart disease. In our hectic modern lives, we often overlook the importance of getting enough sleep each night. We underestimate how much it affects us both physically and mentally. As a result, many people suffer from poor sleeping habits that leave them tired during the day and unable to function at their best. Sleep is not only one of life’s most important health priorities but also one that we often take for granted – until we don’t get enough! When you sleep, your body undergoes a series of changes that enable the rest that is vital to your overall health. Sleep allows the brain and body to slow down and engage in processes of recovery, promoting better physical and mental performance the next day and over the long-term. The side effects of not sleeping are more than just uncomfortable. It can affect your mood, concentration and energy levels- all vital parts to living a healthy life! As such it's important for adults (and especially kids) who want optimum functionality each day to get at least seven to nine hours worth of sleep on their own schedule every night (1)
What does water do for the brain?
Your brain is made up of 75% water. So drink up for better cognition, improved memory and more robust brain health. Water plays a vital role in every function of your body. If you want to experience clearer thinking, better memory and even enhanced focus and concentration, these cognitive benefits are just a sip of water away. Drinking water also can help support a better night's sleep. Dehydration may be the reason why people who drink less water tend to experience shorter sleep cycles. Some research suggests that this is because dehydration influences your internal body clock, temperature and metabolism - all of which play vital roles in getting a good night's rest! (1)
The foods we eat can either assist or decrease our brain health. And eating the right kinds of food to promote long-term cognitive function and wellness, while maintaining optimal structure in short term thinking is critical for both us now and generations to come.
Maintaining good mental hygiene starts with proper nourishment so think about what you're putting into your mouth! For more specific food suggestions for brain wellness read more here.
Brain health may require additional support, especially since most people’s diets do not get the appropriate nutrients needed. This is why vitamins can be so beneficial. There are a huge variety to choose from so consult with a health care provider for what is best for you. Read here for more specific suggestions for supplements.

In conclusion, every day our brain does so much for us! We can't even begin to imagine how we would function without it! It's no surprise that many people are now looking into ways they can support their brains and keep them as healthy as possible as they age. There are many ways we can support our brains so now let me ask you; How can YOU support your brain today? It might be as simple as eating something green or getting a good night's sleep—or maybe even just reading one page from a book! Whatever is your version of self-care today, give yourself permission to be there for your brain so it can be there for you!