9 Supplements and Foods to Promote a Healthy Brain
We often focus on health but forget brain health. Today let's focus on brain health! If you are interested in taking care of your body and also your mind this article is for you.

9 supplements and foods that help promote a healthy brain:
- Oily fish
- Dark Chocolate
- Berries
- Coffee
- Broccoli
- B12
- Vitamin E
- Magnesium
- Turmeric
Now let's look into each of these areas of your self care in a bit more depth!Which fish is best for the brain?
Oily Fish:
Fatty acids like omega-3 are known to be beneficial for our mental health because they provide more oxygen in the brain, allowing us to retain new information while still remembering old ones. The best fish to eat for brain health is salmon, tuna and herring. These types of fish also contain Vitamin B12 which is important in maintaining healthy nerve cells as well as blood vessels that supply oxygen throughout the body with their fluids! (1)
Can lack of omega-3 cause brain fog?
A diet that isn't rich in omega 3's or B vitamins (particularly B12) could affect brain function. These two nutrients have been shown to be important for normal brain activity, and so may not get enough if they're missing from your food intake entirely.(1)
Dark chocolate
Which dark chocolate is best for the brain?
Is chocolate good for your brain health? Surprisingly It turns out that extra dark chocolate could have some serious perks for our brains. The darker a bar of chocolate is in color (85% or higher in cocoa), the better chances you'll get cognitive benefits from eating these delicious treats! (1)
What berries are good for the brain?
Berries are an excellent source of flavonoid antioxidants which may promote brain health. Research suggests these include anthocyanin, caffeic acid and catechin among others. These compounds have been shown in studies to reduce inflammation and oxidative stress while also helping with mental tasks like memory formation! (1)
How does coffee affect the brain?
Coffee is a well-known concentration aid, but did you know that the caffeine in it blocks adenosine? This makes people feel sleepy and encourages focus. Beyond just keeping us awake for long hours at work or school - coffee also seems to increase our brain power by preventing this chemical from making its way into cells where they produce drowsiness! Caffeine may help your brain stay agile and youthful by increasing its internal energy stores, or entropy. Research suggests that coffee is not just a source of antioxidants but also has the potential to keep our minds healthy as we age. (1)
Does broccoli help with memory?
Broccoli is not just a great source of dietary fiber, but it may also help protect your brain from damage. In fact, this vegetable contains glucosinolates which break down into compounds called iSothiocyanates which when digested by our bodies - these are thought to have antioxidant properties and could reduce oxidative stress in the body as well as support some aspects within cognitive function! (1)
Does B12 give you energy?
Vitamin B12 is needed for the formation of mood-boosting neurotransmitters like serotonin and dopamine. A lack of vitamin B12 levels are associated with depression, which makes sense when you consider how important this nutrient can be to our brain functioning well! You can find this important vitamin in many foods such as meat, poultry, pork, fish, seafood, dairy and eggs. But by far the two best sources of B12 are clams and beef liver; they contain an astounding 60 times more B12 than beef and over 100 times more than eggs. (1)
Vitamin E
What is vitamin E really good for?
Vitamin E is the source of antioxidants which can work together to heal free radicals (which are unstable molecules that attempt to bond with other nearby molecules and cause damage). This type of cell injury is caused by free radical activity. The best dietary sources for vitamin e include almonds, sunflower seeds, tomatoes, spinach and granola
Does magnesium help with stress?
Magnesium is a nutrient that's often overlooked by Americans. It plays an important role in over 300 enzyme reactions, from bone health and blood sugar to brain cells- yet most people don't think about it or regularly consume foods rich with this mineral! Magnesium is of vital importance for nerve impulse conduction. Some wonderful foods that are rich in magnesium that you can include in your daily diet include: spinach, leafy greens, nuts, seeds, whole grains, milk and yogurt. Another way to incorporate this rich and wonderful vitamin is by taking a nice warm bath filled with epsom salts. Not only will it increase your magnesium levels but it can be a great way to reduce stress, both wonderful things for your brain health. (1)
Can turmeric help brain inflammation?
Known for it’s potent antioxidant and anti-inflammatory compound called curcumin, it has been shown to have several brain health benefits. Increasing memory and decreasing depression are two of the main ones. Believed to be due in part to the anti-inflammatory properties, turmeric has been shown to improve memory in people with Alzheimer’s. (1) Curcumin has been shown to increase serotonin and dopamine which both help in decreasing depression and anxiety. Curcumin also helps to boost the neurotrophic factor in the brain which is a type of growth hormone that assists in brain cell growth. (1) Turmeric can be a wonderful addition to your weekly meals.

Our brain does so much for us! Make sure as you make healthy choices for your body you do not forget to take care of one of the most important organs of all - your BRAIN!